Uncomfortable with Being Visible Online? Try Exposure Therapy

Does the fear of showing up online hold you back from being visible, and therefore unseen by your ideal clients? Perhaps you are uncomfortable with the way you look? Or you hold back from sharing your perspective (your message) in case you are criticised?

You know you need to overcome this in order for people to know your offerings exist, but how?

In this article let’s explore how ‘exposure therapy’, a method borrowed from the field of psychology, can help you to not only overcome these fears, but also turn them into a source of strength and connection with your audience.

— In this article —

    What is Exposure Therapy?

    Exposure therapy is a psychological treatment developed to help people confront their fears. The principle is straightforward: by gradually and systematically exposing yourself to the object or situation you fear, you reduce the power that fear over you. Over time, you learn to tolerate, and even become comfortable with the feared stimuli, which significantly reduces your anxiety or discomfort.

    The Connection to Online Visibility

    The online world is both a stage and a marketplace. Yet, the thought of stepping into the spotlight can evoke a whirlwind of fears and what-ifs. This is where the principles of exposure therapy can be transformative. By applying these concepts to online visibility, you can gradually desensitise yourself to the discomfort of being seen and sharing your work with the world.

    Starting Small: The First Steps

    The journey begins with small, manageable actions. Share a post about a personal insight gained from your work, a story behind one of your services, or simply a photo related to your business. These initial steps are about easing you into being more visible in a low-stakes way, while also introducing you to people who may need what you offer.

    Building Confidence with Gradual Exposure

    With each small step, confidence grows. Begin to share more substantial content: articles, videos, or workshops that showcase your expertise and passion. As you increase your visibility, you're not only becoming more comfortable online but also honing your voice and message, making your offerings clearer and more attractive to your ideal clients.

    Embracing Vulnerability and Authentic Connection

    One of the most powerful aspects of exposure therapy applied to online visibility is to give people a behind the scenes view of you and your business. Sharing your challenges, experiments, what didn’t work, and your personal epiphanies cultivates a deeper connection with your audience.

    In doing so you become more approachable, which makes it easier for potential clients to reach out to you. Honesty is magnetic, and attracts clients who value transparency and genuine interaction.

    Celebrating Progress and Acknowledging Growth

    Every blog post published, every video shared, and every comment engaged with is a step forward. Celebrate these milestones, no matter how small they may seem. Each one is a testament to your growth and bravery, and inspiration to others on similar journeys.

    Reflecting and Adjusting

    As you become more visible, take time to reflect on the journey. What fears were realised, and which were unfounded? Use these insights to adjust your approach, always aligning with your comfort level and business goals. This continuous learning process ensures that your growth in visibility is both sustainable and aligned with your values.

    The Role of Community and Support

    Remember, you don’t need to navigate this path alone. There are solopreneur communities such as The Anchorage where you can share your experiences, ask for support, and celebrate your progress.

    The Transformative Power of Exposure Therapy

    Exposure Therapy offers a compassionate and structured approach to confronting and overcoming the fears associated with being seen. It encourages a mindset shift from avoidance to engagement, from fear to acceptance. In doing so, it paves the way for you to not only achieve your business goals but also to experience personal growth and evolution on your entrepreneurial journey.

    Or, you could become discoverable!

    ‘Discoverability’ is an alternative approach to marketing for those of us who want to grow our audience, impact and income — but who don't have the energetic capacity (or interest) in being visible on social media all the time 😝

    To become ‘discoverable', we put ourselves in a position where our ideal buyers can find us through the online searches they are doing everyday.

    As a result, they seek us out! We don't chase them👌🏼

    It's a more laid back, passive, yet potent approach to marketing. Perfect for highly sensitive, aware solopreneurs in service based businesses.

    Learn more about the Visibility versus Discoverability here.

    The world needs to see you and what you offer. So, take that first step, however small. Share your story, your passion, and your services with the world. The online landscape is vast and varied, but there's a space that's just right for you and your business.

    Is there something here that resonates with you? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

    Dani x

    Danielle Gardner
    The Quiet Marketer
    View my bio

    P.S. Contrary to conventional marketing advice, I don’t use a lead magnet to lure you onto my email list (here’s why). The option to join my list is available on purchasing any of my workshops, courses or mentorships.


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