Danielle Gardner

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Creating Calm Success: A Female Entrepreneur's Guide to Business and Marketing as a Human Design Generator

As a female entrepreneur who is a Human Design Generator with the strategy of responding, you have a unique set of strengths that can help you achieve success in business, marketing, and content creation. 

Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system to help individuals understand their unique strengths and challenges. 

Generators are one of the five human design types and are known for their ability to create sustainable energy through work and satisfaction.

Here are some guideposts on how to be successful in business, marketing, and content creation as a Human Design Generator with the strategy of responding.

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Be lead by your inner authority, not your head

Your inner authority is your GPS. It is your inbuilt technology for making correct decisions based on your sacral response (i.e. how something feels in your body). The challenge many of us have with listening to our inner authority is that we have been taught to make decisions based on our thinking, which leads to actions based on what we believe we ‘should’ do -- rather than what is best for us to do.

Experiment with trusting what your inner authority is communicating to you, even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Once you have a few successes under your belt with this your trust in being led by your inner authority will grow, and you will most likely end up with opportunities and in situations that are better and more effortless than you ever imagined.

Have a business model that turns you on

Do you feel truly satisfied with your business model? Many Generators don’t because their business has been built around conventional advice that is not correct for them.

For example, an increasing number of women and clients in my circles went down the path of creating a membership program, which is hailed as the best business model, only to find it drained their heart and soul.

To have sustainable, easeful success as a Generator or Manifesting Generator it is important that you shape your business and offerings around what feels good to you, even if that looks very different to how your industry peers are doing things. 

Use your responding strategy in marketing

As a Generator you already know that your strategy is to respond, and that includes responding to what sparks joy and satisfaction within you. Bringing this awareness into your marketing activities will supercharge it’s effectiveness and magnetise your ideal clients towards you.

Think about your current marketing activities, do they feel like ‘art’ to you? If your answer is ‘no’ then how would you rather do things? How can you create a marketplace presence that feels like art? 

Imagine yourself as a mad scientist who lives to explore and experiment with different approaches. Have fun with this. Think of it as you make-art-ing. If this is something you would love to have support with, I can help you with that in my Art Of Responding program.

Create content that expresses your values

As a female entrepreneur, it's important and powerful to create content that communicates to your intended audience who you are, what you stand for, and how you think. In doing so, your reader, watcher or listener will be able to identify shared values and discern if they resonate with your approach.

One interesting (and I find fun) way to go about this is to notice things your audience or industry peers say that you find a bit irritating. You then use that sacral energy to create a content piece in response that communicates the different perspective you have on the subject. 

Don't be afraid to share personal stories and experiences that help to illustrate your point of view. This helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level and build a loyal following.

Collaborate with kindred spirits

The female entrepreneur journey can feel like a lonely one at times. You might have people close to you but if they don’t also have their own business, or have interest in living their Human Design strategy then it's hard to have the depth of conversation that you really desire to have.

Generators are designed to work with others, but it's essential to collaborate with like-minded individuals. Find individuals who share your values and support your goals. Collaborate with others who bring out the best in you and help you achieve success. One avenue to explore is joining the community of Generators and Manifesting Generators in the Art Of Responding course.

By following these guideposts, you can create sustainable energy and achieve success in your business, marketing, and content creation endeavours.

Do you have something to share or contribute to this topic? Let’s chat in the comments ↓

Danielle Gardner
The Quiet Marketer
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