The Intentional Practice of Tunnel Vision — As a Business Strategy

Keeping abreast with what your peers are saying and offering is harmful; here’s why…

Do you ever find yourself feeling pressured to: be more visible on social media, do marketing in a certain way, or have certain kinds of offerings? When that happens it's probably because you have been overexposed to what your peers are doing.

In seeing them do “all the things,” you quietly think to yourself that you should probably be doing more, even though you know you'd be spreading yourself too thin.

There does need to be a way for people to discover you of course, but that doesn't need to look like how others are doing it.

What if you could sell your sessions and programs without doing the predictable marketing things like ‘going Live’ all the time, doing free webinars, running 5-day challenges, free discovery calls?

Somewhere within you there is a whole different way for you to make your offerings known, but you’ll probably not discover while you keep talking yourself into going about things the way everyone else does.

Another way peer distraction creates tension is when there is a topic you're excited to share about, but before you get a chance to do that, you happen to see one of your peers talking about the same kind of thing.

This can result in discouragement and feeling like you don't have a unique voice or message to share. And yet, if you never saw what they shared, you'd still feel excited and empowered to say what you feel moved to say — true?

My thoughts on how to remedy this...

While some business teachings encourage you to keep your eye on what your peers are doing, I say “Have tunnel vision”.

I encourage you to do whatever is necessary to close yourself off from seeing other people’s content and offerings.


Because seeing what others are doing will tend to swing you off your centre and disconnect you from your own ideas and self expression.

I am quite prone to this myself, so in order to stay in my own creative bubble I unfollow, mute and unsubscribe from content that distracts me from my own path.

Questions for you to ponder...

Have you been feeling discouraged after seeing what your peers or people in your industry are doing?

Have you ever forwarded a friend in business details of another coach’s program because you thought it would ‘help’ them?

How do you feel about the idea of having tunnel vision so you can maintain the integrity of your own creations?

If you have some thoughts on this message that you’d like to share with me, let’s chat in the comments.

Dani x

Danielle Gardner
Business Mentor


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