Danielle Gardner

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Accomplishing Goals with an Undefined Heart Centre in Human Design

Within the framework of Human Design, the notion of commitment, especially for those with an undefined ego / heart centre, prompts a lot of discussion. At the heart of this discussion is the perspective that an undefined heart centre equates to a lack of commitment capacity. Let’s delve into this topic and explore how you can effectively commit to your goals, regardless of your heart centre’s status.

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Understanding Human Design:

Human Design is a unique system that combines principles from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakras. It offers a personalised map of your energetic design, providing insights into your personality, strengths, and inner workings. This map, known as your BodyGraph, helps in understanding how you interact with the world and make decisions.

The Undefined Heart Centre:

Having an undefined heart centre in Human Design means that your willpower and sense of self-worth are not consistently accessible internally. This doesn't imply an inability to commit but suggests a need for mindfulness in your commitments. An undefined heart centre often mirrors and amplifies the energies around you, making it essential to discern which commitments truly align with your authentic self.

Inner Authority and Decision Making:

Your most aligned commitments arise from engaging your Inner Authority (IA), your inbuilt decision-making strategy. There are 7 different types of IA in Human Design, to find out yours, refer to your BodyGraph chart. 

Here's a brief description of each Inner Authority in Human Design along with the percentage of the population they represent:

  1. Emotional Authority (58%): Decisions are best made over time, allowing emotional waves to pass for clarity.

  2. Sacral Authority (29%): Relies on immediate gut responses for decision-making.

  3. Splenic Authority (8%): Intuition and instincts guide decisions, often felt as subtle internal signals.

  4. Self-Projected Authority (1.7%): Decisions are made through self-expression and understanding one's identity.

  5. Ego Authority (1.3%): Decisions are driven by personal desires and willpower.

  6. Environmental Authority (1.6%): Decisions are influenced by the surrounding environment, especially significant for Mental Projectors.

  7. Lunar Authority (0.7%): Reflectors use the lunar cycle to gain perspective and make decisions over a 28-day period.

Each of these authorities provides a unique approach to decision-making, reflecting the individual's specific Human Design.

Approaching Commitments Gently:

When committing to goals, it’s vital to approach them gently and playfully, especially with an undefined heart centre. Avoid overburdening yourself with heavy expectations or commitments that don't genuinely excite you.

Personal Experience:

As someone with an undefined heart centre, I can share firsthand that committing to goals like creating online courses or writing a book is entirely possible. The approach is key. For instance, while working on my book, I devoted 1½ hours to it four days a week for a month. This made the process feel easy and enjoyable, rather than a strenuous obligation.

Keys to Making Aligned Commitments:

  • Examine Your Motivation: Before committing, ask yourself about the reasoning behind it. Are you trying to prove something to yourself or others? If so, reconsider the commitment, as it might not stem from your authentic self.

  • Follow Your Inner Authority: Understanding and following your inner authority is crucial. Let it guide your decision-making, ensuring that your commitments align with your true nature.

  • Practice Kindness and Compassion: Be gentle with yourself, especially during times when you can't follow through on a commitment. Recognize that it's part of the journey and an opportunity to learn about yourself.

Key Message:

Having an undefined heart centre in Human Design does not preclude you from making and achieving commitments. It's about understanding your unique energetic makeup and aligning your commitments accordingly. By being mindful of your motivations, following your inner authority, and practising self-compassion, you can commit to goals that are meaningful to you and bring fulfilment.

Does something I’ve shared here speak to you? Let me know in the comments!

Danielle Gardner
The Quiet Marketer
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